Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hey listeners! Head's Random Thought of the Day begins.....

Hey all...

For those faithful few that check out my blog a little update...

Mrs. Head (my beautiful wife) went in to the hospital and delivered my handsome on Jan 28th, 2015 (the same day as my grandma's (Betty Ann Gipe) birthday).  Both are home and doing fine.

I'm hard at work, working on the next AMAZING episode of Head Speaks.... Trust me, I am.. that and being daddy...

Anywho....  I've decided that from time to time, I'm going to post a random thought... Won't be daily (ignore what the title implies), but when the mood strikes.... Maybe I'll post it here... maybe I'll post it on Facebook, maybe, just maybe on Google + (ya never know)...

Anyways... stay tuned for Head's Random Thought of the Day:

And for today's thought:

Was in the car listening to Kayne West's song Gold Digger.... I was just wondering... was that song dedicated to Kim "Fark Tape Star" Kardashian?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling her a gold digga... but you ain't seen her with no broke nigga.

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