Thursday, May 7, 2020

Episode 52: The End of Armageddon and Star Wars!

Head Speaks is back again this month, this time with Episode 52: The End of Armageddon and Star Wars!  This month, we have a four hour extravaganza with guest stars galore!

This month, I start with What's in Head's Longbox!   This month, at long last, I finally finish up my look at Armageddon 2001 with the second issue of the bookend series.  And joining me this month, I welcome for the first time, to the Headcast Studios, Chris Sheenan of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill (plus several other shows).  Also, returning to us is Jonathan Schaefer-Hames of The Rod Pod and Married With Comics.

Listen in to find out what's going on.....

Armageddon 2001 #2
Cover Date: October 1991
On Sale Date: September 3, 1991
Cover Price: $2.00

Writer: Dennis J. O'Neil
Penciller: Dan Jurgens
Inker: Art Thibert, Steve Mitchell, & Dick Giordano
Letterer: John Costanza
Colorist: Adrienne Roy
Editor: Jonathan Peterson

Cover Credits
Penciller: Dan Jurgens
Inker: Jerry Ordway

Then at an hour and ten minutes in, I welcome back most of my previous guests, as I talk with each of them about the ending of Armageddon 2001 and their thoughts on the ole switheroo.

Finally at two hours and twenty minutes in, my wife joins me as we look at Star Wars, in general and our thoughts on the franchise!

Join us!

Promos for this month:
JLMay: Join the podcast universe all month long as we celebrate JLMay 2020.  The main show starts Michael Bailey's Views From The Longbox, as him and several co-hosts look at the Countdown to Infinite Crisis 80 page giant.  Then listen in as he tells you where to go next to continue listening.

Rod Pod Podcast - Where Jonathan and Maggie Schafer-Hames looks at the IDW Transformers books!

Second set of promos:

Fire and Water Network – Where Shag and Rob look at Firestorm, Aquaman, and a whole slew of other shows with fellow podcasters.
From Crisis to CrisisA great show where Michael Bailey and Jeffery Taylor look at the Superman titles, from Post Crisis on Infinite Earths to Infinite Crisis.
Coffee and ComicsWhere friend of the show, Clinton Robinson, reads and discusses a comic… in about the time it takes to finish a cup of coffee.

Be sure to join us next month for the 53rd episode of Head Speaks, where I look at the first two issues of Armageddon 2001: Alien Agenda and talk about time travel shows!

But before then, join us this month on Task Force X and The Starman/Manhunter Adventure Hour as I too join in JLMay 2020!

And still, if you're in a band and would like your song played on the show, feel free to get in touch with me (

As always, all copyrights and trademarks are their respective owners.  No infringement implied or intended.

If you like the show, be sure to rate us and leave some feedback on iTunes.

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 (or on the link at the top of this page).
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E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to:  Any and all comments are welcome.

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Also check out The Headcast Network which is available on iTunes.

Come, take a listen.

See ya next time.