I want to wish all of my listeners, a very, Merry Christmas.
In honor of the holiday, I present a special episode of Head Speaks... My first annual (hopefully) Christmas special: Holy Shit, It's Christmas!
Warning, not all of the songs are meant for the ears of the younger listeners. So I guess this is your Parental Advisory.
A little background (that I mention on the show). Many years ago, I worked an Internet Provider doing technical support (we supported about 50 companies at one time). In 2002, for Christmas, I decided to put together a Christmas CD. So I searched the internet (we'll leave out the details of how at this point) and found a bunch of funny and/or offensive Christmas songs. I took about 20 of them (or so), threw them on a CD and gave them out to friends at work. A gal I worked with (who one day down the road I'd romance and end up marrying) created some album art for me (I think that was the year it had me flipping the camera off, with a Santa hat, sitting in front of a fire). I put the cd in a plastic case with the covering and handed them out to my friends from work (that would appreciate it).
Then 2 years later, I repeated the process. Again, Michelle created the album art for me and I handed out CDs to people.
Everyone seemed to love it and kept requesting more....
Well, in 2005 me and the before mentioned Michelle got married and I just didn't have time to do any more cds after that...
But now that I have my own podcast, I figured I'd bring the tradition back and release the songs via my podcast.
Please keep in mind that I do not own any copyrights on any of the songs nor do I make any money on this podcast. I am just presenting these to my listeners so they can possibly hear some good and humorous songs.
When possible I mentioned the name of the artists (for the few I knew).
Anyways... hope you enjoy the songs. Drop me a line and let me know.
Until next month, Merry Christmas!
As always, all copyrights and trademarks are their respective owners. No infringement implied or intended.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Episode 18: Star Wars Episode 2: The Head Awakens!
Greetings constant listeners.
Welcome back to Head Speaks and to Episode 18: Star Wars Episode 2: The Head Awakens!
First off, let me apologize... Some how I seemed to have forgotten to update the blog when I released Decembers episode. So here it is.
First up on A Little Head, I talk about my brother, Jerry Lee Todd II. He died on Dec 12, 1984. This episode I talk about the night of our house fire and the tragic two weeks that followed.
If you wish to skip this section of Head Speaks, go ahead and skip the first thirty minutes and you can jump to the STAR WARS section. This month is a bit shorter (once you get past me reliving my past). Join me as I talk briefly about the Star Wars Marathon I'll be going to next week and then as I talk about the Star Wars novel The Legacy of The Force.
Plus we have Where's Head going (yes, it is Star Wars related) and Head's Mailbox. Join us.
Finally, our final song returns with 'A Fanboy Christmas'. I think it's by the Great Luke Ski.
Special Note: On Christmas day, I will be releasing a special Christmas episode of Head Speaks. Come back and check us out.
Merry Christmas to all my listeners and a Happy New Year.
Welcome back to Head Speaks and to Episode 18: Star Wars Episode 2: The Head Awakens!
First off, let me apologize... Some how I seemed to have forgotten to update the blog when I released Decembers episode. So here it is.
If you wish to skip this section of Head Speaks, go ahead and skip the first thirty minutes and you can jump to the STAR WARS section. This month is a bit shorter (once you get past me reliving my past). Join me as I talk briefly about the Star Wars Marathon I'll be going to next week and then as I talk about the Star Wars novel The Legacy of The Force.
Plus we have Where's Head going (yes, it is Star Wars related) and Head's Mailbox. Join us.
Finally, our final song returns with 'A Fanboy Christmas'. I think it's by the Great Luke Ski.
Special Note: On Christmas day, I will be releasing a special Christmas episode of Head Speaks. Come back and check us out.
Merry Christmas to all my listeners and a Happy New Year.
As always, all copyrights and trademarks are their respective owners. No infringement implied or intended.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Episode 17: R.I.P. Murphy Anderson pt 1
Greetings constant listeners.
Welcome back to Head Speaks and to Episode 17: R.I.P. Murphy Anderson pt 1
This month we have a special episode dedicated to the memory of a great comic book legend. Murphy Anderson passed away on Oct 22, 2015. He had a long and distinguished career.
Some of his notable work includes:
DC Comics
Action Comics #379, 393-424, 426-428, 430-433, 485, 544, 600, 700 (inker) (1969-1994)
Action Comics Weekly #613-641 (inker) (1988-1989)
Adventure Comics #383, 453 (inker) (1969-1977)
The Atom #1-11, 13 (inker) (1962-1964)
The Atom and Hawkman #39-41, 43-44 (1968–69)
Batman #254 (inker) (1974)
The Brave and the Bold #28, 47 (inker); #61-62 (1960-1965)
DC Comics Presents #5, 8; #67-68, 95 (inker) (1979-1986)
Detective Comics (Elongated Man) #357, 359-360, 377; (Batgirl) #384-385, 388-389, 392-393, 396-397 (inker); (Robin) #390-391, 394-395 (inker); (Batman) #431-432 (inker) (Jason Bard) #431, 433 (inker); (the Atom) #432 (1973); (Hawkman) 480 (1966–1978)
The Flash #110-111, 114-115, 117-119, 121, 148-150, 152, 195, 200-204, 206-208 (inker) (1959-1971)
Green Lantern #1, 4, 9-10, 16, 21, 71, 73-74, 137 (inker) (1960-1981)
Hawkman #1-21 (1964–1967)
Heroes Against Hunger #1 (inker) (1986)
House of Mystery #37; #198, 212, 302 (inker) (1955-1982)
House of Secrets #91 (1971)
My Greatest Adventure #42 (1960)
Mystery in Space #2, 4, 7-17, 45-48; (Adam Strange) #56-59, 61-70, 72, 74-83, 85, 87-91 (inker) (1951-1964)
The New Teen Titans vol. 2 #15 (inker) (1985)
Phantom Stranger #1, 4-6 (1952-1953)
Phantom Stranger vol. 2 #4-5 (1969-1970)
Secret Origins (Doll Man) #8; (Uncle Sam) #19; (Black Condor) #21 (1986–1987)
Showcase (the Atom) #34-36 (inker); (I-Spy) #50 (inker); (Doctor Fate) #55-56; (Spectre) #60-61, 64 (1965–66)
Spectre #1; 6-8 (inker) (1967-1969)
Strange Adventures #9-11, 44, 53, 55, 94, 96, 99, 111, 115, 119, 121-122, 124-125, 127-128, 130-131, 133, 13-137, 139-140, 142-143, 145-146, 148-149, 151-152, 154-155, 159, 161-163, 227; (Captain Comet) #12-44; (Atomic Knights) #117, 120, 123, 126, 129, 132, 135, 138, 141, 144, 147, 150, 153, 156, 160; (Adam Strange) #222, 226 (1951-1970)
Superboy #167-172, 175-184, 186-195, 197 (inker) (1970-1973)
Superman #233-238, 241-244, 246-251, 253-270, 411, Annual #10 (inker); (Fabulous World of Krypton) #233; (Private Life of Clark Kent) #270 (1970–1985)
The Superman Family #186 (inker) (1977)
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (full art) #129-130, 132; (Superman and Jimmy Olsen heads re-drawn over Jack Kirby layouts) #136-139, 141-145, 148 (1969–1972)
Superman: The Wedding Album #1 (inker) (1996)
Weird Worlds (John Carter of Mars) #1-3 (1972–1973)
World's Finest Comics (Tommy Tomorrow) #121-122; (Super-Sons) #216, 221 (inker); (Superman and Batman) #217, 220, 244-246, 256 (inker); (Hawkman) #256 (1961-1979)
Image Comics
Shadowhawk #9 (1993)
The rest of his work can be located at his Wiki page (where I pulled this information from).
Also, this month I review Showcase 60, the return of The Spectre!
Cover Date: Jan/Feb 1966
On Sale Date: November 25, 1965
Cover Price: $0.12
Editor: Julius Schwartz
Title: "War That Shook the Universe"
Pages: 24
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Murphy Anderson
Reprinted In:
Adventure Comics #491 (1982)
Showcase Presents:The Spectre TPB (2012)
I also make mention of Mr. Anderson's website which is now dedicated to his memory. It can be located at http://www.murphyanderson.com/
I decided to forgo the closing song this episode, but never fear, it will return next month!
Welcome back to Head Speaks and to Episode 17: R.I.P. Murphy Anderson pt 1
This month we have a special episode dedicated to the memory of a great comic book legend. Murphy Anderson passed away on Oct 22, 2015. He had a long and distinguished career.
Some of his notable work includes:
DC Comics
Action Comics #379, 393-424, 426-428, 430-433, 485, 544, 600, 700 (inker) (1969-1994)
Action Comics Weekly #613-641 (inker) (1988-1989)
Adventure Comics #383, 453 (inker) (1969-1977)
The Atom #1-11, 13 (inker) (1962-1964)
The Atom and Hawkman #39-41, 43-44 (1968–69)
Batman #254 (inker) (1974)
The Brave and the Bold #28, 47 (inker); #61-62 (1960-1965)
DC Comics Presents #5, 8; #67-68, 95 (inker) (1979-1986)
Detective Comics (Elongated Man) #357, 359-360, 377; (Batgirl) #384-385, 388-389, 392-393, 396-397 (inker); (Robin) #390-391, 394-395 (inker); (Batman) #431-432 (inker) (Jason Bard) #431, 433 (inker); (the Atom) #432 (1973); (Hawkman) 480 (1966–1978)
The Flash #110-111, 114-115, 117-119, 121, 148-150, 152, 195, 200-204, 206-208 (inker) (1959-1971)
Green Lantern #1, 4, 9-10, 16, 21, 71, 73-74, 137 (inker) (1960-1981)
Hawkman #1-21 (1964–1967)
Heroes Against Hunger #1 (inker) (1986)
House of Mystery #37; #198, 212, 302 (inker) (1955-1982)
House of Secrets #91 (1971)
My Greatest Adventure #42 (1960)
Mystery in Space #2, 4, 7-17, 45-48; (Adam Strange) #56-59, 61-70, 72, 74-83, 85, 87-91 (inker) (1951-1964)
The New Teen Titans vol. 2 #15 (inker) (1985)
Phantom Stranger #1, 4-6 (1952-1953)
Phantom Stranger vol. 2 #4-5 (1969-1970)
Secret Origins (Doll Man) #8; (Uncle Sam) #19; (Black Condor) #21 (1986–1987)
Showcase (the Atom) #34-36 (inker); (I-Spy) #50 (inker); (Doctor Fate) #55-56; (Spectre) #60-61, 64 (1965–66)
Spectre #1; 6-8 (inker) (1967-1969)
Strange Adventures #9-11, 44, 53, 55, 94, 96, 99, 111, 115, 119, 121-122, 124-125, 127-128, 130-131, 133, 13-137, 139-140, 142-143, 145-146, 148-149, 151-152, 154-155, 159, 161-163, 227; (Captain Comet) #12-44; (Atomic Knights) #117, 120, 123, 126, 129, 132, 135, 138, 141, 144, 147, 150, 153, 156, 160; (Adam Strange) #222, 226 (1951-1970)
Superboy #167-172, 175-184, 186-195, 197 (inker) (1970-1973)
Superman #233-238, 241-244, 246-251, 253-270, 411, Annual #10 (inker); (Fabulous World of Krypton) #233; (Private Life of Clark Kent) #270 (1970–1985)
The Superman Family #186 (inker) (1977)
Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen (full art) #129-130, 132; (Superman and Jimmy Olsen heads re-drawn over Jack Kirby layouts) #136-139, 141-145, 148 (1969–1972)
Superman: The Wedding Album #1 (inker) (1996)
Weird Worlds (John Carter of Mars) #1-3 (1972–1973)
World's Finest Comics (Tommy Tomorrow) #121-122; (Super-Sons) #216, 221 (inker); (Superman and Batman) #217, 220, 244-246, 256 (inker); (Hawkman) #256 (1961-1979)
Image Comics
Shadowhawk #9 (1993)
The rest of his work can be located at his Wiki page (where I pulled this information from).
Also, this month I review Showcase 60, the return of The Spectre!
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Showcase 60... Inked by Murphy Anderson |
On Sale Date: November 25, 1965
Cover Price: $0.12
Editor: Julius Schwartz
Title: "War That Shook the Universe"
Pages: 24
Writer: Gardner F. Fox
Artist: Murphy Anderson
Reprinted In:
Adventure Comics #491 (1982)
Showcase Presents:The Spectre TPB (2012)
I also make mention of Mr. Anderson's website which is now dedicated to his memory. It can be located at http://www.murphyanderson.com/
While you're at it, check out my fellow podcasters also celebrating Murphy Anderson's life and work.
Here is the listing as of right now... but listen for others to join in.
Here is the listing as of right now... but listen for others to join in.
List of Podcasts and episodes doing tributes to the late great Murphy Anderson
Flowers & Fishnets: A Black Canary Podcast episode 19
Hosted by Ryan Daly with guest host Chris Franklin from the Super Mates Podcast
Covering The Brave and the Bold #61 and #62 (Starman and Black Canary team-up
link to website: http://blackcanaryfan.blogspot.com
Professor Alan’s Comic Book Reading Journal (CRJ) #005
Hosted by Professor Alan
Covers the comics Alan read in October, 2015
talks about Murphy Anderson comics (Superman 254, Legion 245, 246) at the end of the episode
link to website: http://relativelygeekypodcast.blogspot.com
Head Speaks Episode 17
Hosted by Aaron *Head* Moss
Covering Showcase 60 (The Spectre, drawn by Murphy)
Talking about Murphy Anderson’s life and work history (from Wkipedia)
Mentioning his website: http://www.murphyanderson.com/
link to website: http://head.headspeaks.com
Task Force X Episode 16
Hosted by Aaron *Head* Moss
Covering Showcase 34 (1st appearance of Ray “The Atom” Palmer, inked by Murphy)
link to website: http://taskforcex.headspeaks.com
Comic Book Time Machine #77
Hosted by Ben Avery (and Daniel Butcher & Matt Anderson, but they aren’t taking part in this)
Covering Atomic Knight stories from various Strange Adventures issues from 120 to 160
link to website: http://comicbooktimemachine.com
Who’s Who Special: Murphy Anderson
Hosted by The Irredeemable Shag and Rob Kelly
A “greatest hits” collection of Who’s Who Podcast entries, all drawn by Murphy Anderson
link to website: http://fireandwaterpodcast.blogspot.com
I decided to forgo the closing song this episode, but never fear, it will return next month!
As always, all copyrights and trademarks are their respective owners. No infringement implied or intended.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Head Speaks Presents! Alexis Speaks 2: Dog With A Blog!
Greetings constant listeners.
Welcome back to Head Speaks and to another special episode, Alexis Speaks 2: Dog With A Blog!
Alexis wanted to do another podcast, so since I'm wrapped around her little finger, here we are!
Take a listen as she talks about her favorite tv show, Dog With A Blog (which has recently been cancelled).
Also, we play some Taylor Swift song she wanted me to play at the end....
And soon, you can find her under her own feed on iTunes.
But currently she can be found on iTunes and Stitcher under Head Speaks!
Welcome back to Head Speaks and to another special episode, Alexis Speaks 2: Dog With A Blog!
Alexis wanted to do another podcast, so since I'm wrapped around her little finger, here we are!
Take a listen as she talks about her favorite tv show, Dog With A Blog (which has recently been cancelled).
Also, we play some Taylor Swift song she wanted me to play at the end....
And soon, you can find her under her own feed on iTunes.
But currently she can be found on iTunes and Stitcher under Head Speaks!
As always, all copyrights and trademarks are their respective owners. No infringement implied or intended.
For my own shout outs....
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
See ya next time.
For my own shout outs....
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
See ya next time.
Alexis Moss,
comic books,
Dog with a Blog,
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Episode 16: The Irredeemable Grayson
Greetings constant listeners.
Welcome back to Head Speaks and to Episode 16: The Irredeemable Grayson
This episode I continue my fourth episode of my four episodes on my kids. This month I conclude with my youngest son, Grayson Robert Moss!
On Geeking with Head, The Irredeemable Shag and myself, continue living in the past with our second part of our two part epic, where we talk about what we both consider the Golden Age of comics, 1985-1995. Come see what we think, then let us know what you think!
Shag can be found on his own podcast entitled The Fire and Water Podcast. On the web he's at http://firestormfan.com
When looking on the social medias, look for the hashtag, #FWPodcast
I suggest checking out his site and podcast.
And for our closing song, we play "You Talk To Much" by Run DMC (which I should have played two months ago when I talked about Steven Moss, as this is one of his favorite songs).
Welcome back to Head Speaks and to Episode 16: The Irredeemable Grayson
This episode I continue my fourth episode of my four episodes on my kids. This month I conclude with my youngest son, Grayson Robert Moss!
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My son Grayson Robert Moss... yes named after Dick Grayson! |
On Geeking with Head, The Irredeemable Shag and myself, continue living in the past with our second part of our two part epic, where we talk about what we both consider the Golden Age of comics, 1985-1995. Come see what we think, then let us know what you think!
Shag can be found on his own podcast entitled The Fire and Water Podcast. On the web he's at http://firestormfan.com
When looking on the social medias, look for the hashtag, #FWPodcast
I suggest checking out his site and podcast.
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The Fire and Water Podcast. |
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Firestorm Fan's website! |
And for our closing song, we play "You Talk To Much" by Run DMC (which I should have played two months ago when I talked about Steven Moss, as this is one of his favorite songs).
As always, all copyrights and trademarks are their respective owners. No infringement implied or intended.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
Brother Head,
comic books,
DC comics,
Fire and Water,
Shagg Mathews,
The Irredeemable Shag
Monday, September 21, 2015
Head Speaks Presents: Alexis Speaks!
Greetings constant listeners.
Welcome back to Head Speaks and to a very special episode, Head Speaks Presents: Alexis Speaks!
This special episode stars my 7 year old daughter, Alexis Grace Moss, as she undertakes her very first podcast.
Come listen as she talks about some tv shows she likes and her very own creation: Fireburst!
Welcome back to Head Speaks and to a very special episode, Head Speaks Presents: Alexis Speaks!
This special episode stars my 7 year old daughter, Alexis Grace Moss, as she undertakes her very first podcast.
Come listen as she talks about some tv shows she likes and her very own creation: Fireburst!
As always, all copyrights and trademarks are their respective owners. No infringement implied or intended.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
da bears,
Dog with a Blog,
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
15th Episode: Very Bad Things with Alexis and The Irredeemable Shag!
Greetings constant listeners.
Welcome back to Head Speaks and to my 15th Episode: Very Bad Things with Alexis and The Irredeemable Shag!
This episode I continue my third episode of my four episodes on my kids. This month I talk about my only daughter, Alexis Grace Moss. Come listen in.
On At The Movies With Head, I talk about Very Bad Things,which was released in 1998. Staring: Cameron Diaz, Jon Favreau, Daniel Stern, Jeremy Piven, Christian Slater, Leland Orser and Jeanne Tripplehorn.
The plot from IMDB: A group of friends head to Las Vegas for a bachelor party.. only things go wrong and a woman is killed. Soon, the bodies are piling up and the friends find themselves turning against one another as the coverup builds.
On Geeking with Head, The Irredeemable Shag and myself, relieve the past in the first part of our two part epic, where we talk about what we both consider the Golden Age of comics, 1985-1995. Come see what we think, then let us know what you think!
Shag can be found on his own podcast entitled The Fire and Water Podcast. On the web he's at http://firestormfan.com
When looking on the social medias, look for the hashtag, #FWPodcast
I suggest checking out his site and podcast.
Plus a special bonus!!!!
At the very end of the episode (after the end credit's song), stay tuned for a few words from a very important little girl.
That's right, my beautiful daughter, Alexis guests on her very first Headcast.....
And stay tuned in about 2 weeks for an extra special episode of Head Speaks Presents....
Presents? Presents what? check back in 2 weeks to find out what!
Welcome back to Head Speaks and to my 15th Episode: Very Bad Things with Alexis and The Irredeemable Shag!
This episode I continue my third episode of my four episodes on my kids. This month I talk about my only daughter, Alexis Grace Moss. Come listen in.
On At The Movies With Head, I talk about Very Bad Things,which was released in 1998. Staring: Cameron Diaz, Jon Favreau, Daniel Stern, Jeremy Piven, Christian Slater, Leland Orser and Jeanne Tripplehorn.
The plot from IMDB: A group of friends head to Las Vegas for a bachelor party.. only things go wrong and a woman is killed. Soon, the bodies are piling up and the friends find themselves turning against one another as the coverup builds.
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Very Bad Things from 1998 |
On Geeking with Head, The Irredeemable Shag and myself, relieve the past in the first part of our two part epic, where we talk about what we both consider the Golden Age of comics, 1985-1995. Come see what we think, then let us know what you think!
Shag can be found on his own podcast entitled The Fire and Water Podcast. On the web he's at http://firestormfan.com
When looking on the social medias, look for the hashtag, #FWPodcast
I suggest checking out his site and podcast.
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The Fire and Water Podcast. |
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Firestorm Fan's website! |
At the very end of the episode (after the end credit's song), stay tuned for a few words from a very important little girl.
That's right, my beautiful daughter, Alexis guests on her very first Headcast.....
And stay tuned in about 2 weeks for an extra special episode of Head Speaks Presents....
Presents? Presents what? check back in 2 weeks to find out what!
As always, all copyrights and trademarks are their respective owners. No infringement implied or intended.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
Alexis Moss,
Cameron Diaz,
Christian Slater,
DC comics,
Golden Age,
Marvel Comics,
The Irredeemable Shag,
Very Bad Things
Sanger, CA 93657, USA
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Episode 14: Crisis on Infinite Stevens!
Greetings constant listeners. Welcome back to Head Speaks and to my 14th Episode: Crisis on Infinite Stevens!
This episode I continue my family exploration as I talk about my second son, Steven Aaron Moss. Come listen in.
On Head's Longbox, I celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Crisis on Infinite Earths (the link goes to the Wikipage for the Crisis).
This was DC's wide line crossover that changed the DCU forever.
I mention another podcast during my talk (which is my Where Is Head Going for the month). Here is the link that that website: Tales of the Justice Society of America Presents: Crisis on Infinite Earths
And I want to hear from you guys. Have you read The Crisis on Infinite Earths? Did you like it? Did you think it was needed? Let me know. I want to hear from you.
This episode I continue my family exploration as I talk about my second son, Steven Aaron Moss. Come listen in.
On Head's Longbox, I celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Crisis on Infinite Earths (the link goes to the Wikipage for the Crisis).
This was DC's wide line crossover that changed the DCU forever.
I mention another podcast during my talk (which is my Where Is Head Going for the month). Here is the link that that website: Tales of the Justice Society of America Presents: Crisis on Infinite Earths
And I want to hear from you guys. Have you read The Crisis on Infinite Earths? Did you like it? Did you think it was needed? Let me know. I want to hear from you.
As always, all copyrights and trademarks are their respective owners. No infringement implied or intended.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
You can visit our blog directly at http://head.headspeaks.com
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
Brother Head,
Crisis on Infinite Earths,
DC comics,
George Perez,
Marv Wolfman,
Steven Moss,
Teen Titans,
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Episode 13: Talking About Tim!
Greetings constant listeners. Welcome back to Head Speaks and to my 13th Episode: Talking About Tim!
This episode is a little later than I planned and also a short one.
This episode I talk a little about my oldest son, Timothy Edward Moss. For the next couple of episodes, I'm going to devote some time to talk about my kids.
Also on Where's Head Going?, I'm going to start talking about some of the podcasts I listen to.
Which one is it this month? Listen and find out!
This episode is a little later than I planned and also a short one.
This episode I talk a little about my oldest son, Timothy Edward Moss. For the next couple of episodes, I'm going to devote some time to talk about my kids.
Also on Where's Head Going?, I'm going to start talking about some of the podcasts I listen to.
Which one is it this month? Listen and find out!
As always, all copyrights and trademarks are their respective owners. No infringement implied or intended.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
Brother Head,
Friday, June 26, 2015
Episode 12: Aaron's 1 Year, 12th Episode Spectacular!
Greetings constant listeners. Welcome back to Head Speaks and to my 12th Amazing Episode: Aaron's 1 Year, 12th Episode Spectacular!
Welcome to our one year anniversary episode....
This episode we have an episode of A Little Head where we give a brief recap of Brother Head and why he started the Head Speaks Podcast.
Then in At The Movies With Head, we hear about a micro-independent movie entitled, Paragon, written and directed by a good friend of mine, Scott Kessler.
Paragon is a movie about a nocturnal vigilante known as Paragon hunts through the underbelly of Kansas City to find "H", a madman who believes his crimes will bring about the end of modern society.
On Head's Bookshelf, we look at the novel, Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Betrayal.
And on Where's Head Going?, we go to http://firestormfan.com. Firestormfan.com is the best damn Firestorm site on or off the Intertubes.... Check it out and let The Irredeemable Shag know that Head sent ya.
Finally, but not last, Head looks back at DC Comics in the 80's when they use to do Bonus Books inside their comics.
Here are a couple of examples of the covers of the comics with the Bonus Book in them.....
I said all of that to say this...
This episode of Head Speaks has a "Bonus Book", the premire episode of G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast, by Aaron Moss himself.
Take a listen and let me know what you think of it. you can e-mail me at gijoe@headspeaks.com
Then join us over at Task Force X next month for episode 12, our Task Force X 1st year anniversary episode.
Welcome to our one year anniversary episode....
This episode we have an episode of A Little Head where we give a brief recap of Brother Head and why he started the Head Speaks Podcast.
Then in At The Movies With Head, we hear about a micro-independent movie entitled, Paragon, written and directed by a good friend of mine, Scott Kessler.
Paragon is a movie about a nocturnal vigilante known as Paragon hunts through the underbelly of Kansas City to find "H", a madman who believes his crimes will bring about the end of modern society.
On Head's Bookshelf, we look at the novel, Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Betrayal.
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Star Wars: Legacy of the Force: Betrayal |
And on Where's Head Going?, we go to http://firestormfan.com. Firestormfan.com is the best damn Firestorm site on or off the Intertubes.... Check it out and let The Irredeemable Shag know that Head sent ya.
Finally, but not last, Head looks back at DC Comics in the 80's when they use to do Bonus Books inside their comics.
Here are a couple of examples of the covers of the comics with the Bonus Book in them.....
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Justice League International 24 with a Bonus Book inside |
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Wonder Woman with a Bonus Book |
I said all of that to say this...
This episode of Head Speaks has a "Bonus Book", the premire episode of G.I. Joe: A Real American Headcast, by Aaron Moss himself.
Take a listen and let me know what you think of it. you can e-mail me at gijoe@headspeaks.com
Then join us over at Task Force X next month for episode 12, our Task Force X 1st year anniversary episode.
As always, all copyrights and trademarks are their respective owners. No infringement implied or intended.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
Bonus book,
DC comics,
G.I. Joe,
Marvel Comics,
Scott Kessler,
Star Wars
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Hello and Welcome
I just want to say hi to all of our new listeners. It appears that Head Speaks has about 37 subscribers.
Hello and welcome aboard. Feel free to leave a message and say hi back.
Also, let me know what you think of Head Speaks. I'm interested in your opinions.
Also, coming June 23, 2015.... the One Year Anniversary of Head Speaks and our amazing 12th episode!
Come take a listen and let me know what you think!
Hello and welcome aboard. Feel free to leave a message and say hi back.
Also, let me know what you think of Head Speaks. I'm interested in your opinions.
Also, coming June 23, 2015.... the One Year Anniversary of Head Speaks and our amazing 12th episode!
Come take a listen and let me know what you think!
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Episode 11: The Conway Corner Podcast Crossover Pt 1.
Greetings constant listeners. Welcome back to Head Speaks and to my 11th Episode: The Conway Corner Podcast Crossover Pt 1.
This is a very special episode where we celebrate one of the greatest comic creators on the earth... Gerry Conway. The genius who gave us classics as The Death of Gwen Stacey and created wonderful characters such as Killer Croc, The Punisher, Killer Frost, and most importantly... FIRESTORM!!!!!!
Before I go any further, I want to give special thanks to Michael Bradley of the Superman and Batman podcast for getting this whole thing under way and to Shag Mathews over at Firestorm Fan and The Fire and Water podcast, for helping keep us under control and organized. Great work guys.... You're doing the work of the gods (or something).
Mr. Conway has recently written a post on his Tumblr page regarding DC and their Creator Equity... You can check out Mr. Conway's Tumbr at:
A few weeks ago, he wrote a story called: Who created Caitlin Snow on #TheFlash? According to @DCComics, nobody.
To hear more about this, check out this episode and read Mr. Conway's Tumblr.
Also this episode I do a Character Profile of Mr. Conway.
As an aside, I recommend checking out The Fire and Water Podcast episode 125, where Shag and Rob have an excellent interview with Mr. Conway regarding Creator Equity and the current issue with DC Comics (and as I say in the episode, when we say DC Comics, we mean DC Entertainment, the suits and big wigs, not DC Comics editorial (such as Didio, Johns, and Lee)).
But back to me and Head Speaks....
After that in What's In Head's Long Box, I review Firestorm The Nuclear Man, issues 1 and 2 (both written by Gerry Conway and penciled by Al Milgrom).
Finally in Where's Head Going?, I talk more about the Conway Corner Podcast Crossover (#ConwayXover).
Here is Gerry's original article (Check it out):
The other podcasts and blogs participating are (and I recommend them all):
Flowers & Fishnets (Ryan Daly)
- Episode 11 covering Black Canary and Green Arrow stories from World’s Finest
#245. http://blackcanaryfan.blogspot.com
SuperMates - (Chris
& Cindy Franklin) - w/ Kyle Benning, Superman Family 186-187:
Between The Pages Blog (Karen
Williams) - The Sweet Superhero Stories of Gerry Conway will focus on his work
on Amazing Spider-Man and the Justice League of America. The stories I
plan to touch upon are the Death of Gwen Stacy, the original clone saga, 1st
appearance of the Punisher, Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man, The JLA / JSA
/ New Gods, the JLA / JSA /Secret Society of Supervillains, JLA 200, and Justice
League Detroit.
LanternCast (Chad
Bokelman and Mark Marble)
King-Size Comics Giant-Size Fun (Kyle Benning) -
Vault Of Startling Monster Horror Tales Of Terror (Shawn Engel) - Tomb of Dracula - The regular gang of idiots
(Chris Honeywell, Luke Jaconetti, Chris “Hair-Metal Hero” Tyler, newcomer Jason
Jaconetti, and myself) will synopsize and discuss the first issue of Tomb of
Dracula on episode 48 of the show. We’ll also discuss the relevance of horror
comics returning to mainstream comics and touch on the whole situation with Mr.
Conway. Forewarned, the show does tend to have limited filters at times, so an
adult content warning might be advised -- Check it out here. .Here is the
This is a very special episode where we celebrate one of the greatest comic creators on the earth... Gerry Conway. The genius who gave us classics as The Death of Gwen Stacey and created wonderful characters such as Killer Croc, The Punisher, Killer Frost, and most importantly... FIRESTORM!!!!!!
Before I go any further, I want to give special thanks to Michael Bradley of the Superman and Batman podcast for getting this whole thing under way and to Shag Mathews over at Firestorm Fan and The Fire and Water podcast, for helping keep us under control and organized. Great work guys.... You're doing the work of the gods (or something).
Mr. Conway has recently written a post on his Tumblr page regarding DC and their Creator Equity... You can check out Mr. Conway's Tumbr at:
A few weeks ago, he wrote a story called: Who created Caitlin Snow on #TheFlash? According to @DCComics, nobody.
To hear more about this, check out this episode and read Mr. Conway's Tumblr.
Also this episode I do a Character Profile of Mr. Conway.
As an aside, I recommend checking out The Fire and Water Podcast episode 125, where Shag and Rob have an excellent interview with Mr. Conway regarding Creator Equity and the current issue with DC Comics (and as I say in the episode, when we say DC Comics, we mean DC Entertainment, the suits and big wigs, not DC Comics editorial (such as Didio, Johns, and Lee)).
But back to me and Head Speaks....
After that in What's In Head's Long Box, I review Firestorm The Nuclear Man, issues 1 and 2 (both written by Gerry Conway and penciled by Al Milgrom).
Finally in Where's Head Going?, I talk more about the Conway Corner Podcast Crossover (#ConwayXover).
Here is Gerry's original article (Check it out):
The other podcasts and blogs participating are (and I recommend them all):
Superman & Batman Podcast - Michael Bradley (organizer of this entire event!) w/guest Aaron Moss -- Superman/Batman teamup from World's Finest #269, plus the Conway-written Red Tornado story from the same issue.
Fire & Water Podcast (Rob Kelly and Irredeemable Shag) -- Episode 125 - Gerry Conway Interview on Creator Equity
Flowers & Fishnets (Ryan Daly)
- Episode 11 covering Black Canary and Green Arrow stories from World’s Finest
#245. http://blackcanaryfan.blogspot.com
SuperMates - (Chris
& Cindy Franklin) - w/ Kyle Benning, Superman Family 186-187:
From Kid to Flash (Mythmaking ETC) (Chris Ivey) -Episode 18. -- Secret Society of Supervillains #8 and #9 (1977) -- http://mythmakingetc.blogspot.com/2015/05/from-kid-to-flash-18-conwayxover.html
The Hammer Podcasts! (Gene Hendricks) - Episode 12 covering Thor 224,Podcast Page: http://twotruefreaks.com/shows.php?show=35) Episode Link: http://twotruefreaks.com/media/podcasts/TheHammerPodcasts/mp3/THP-Episode012.mp3
Quarter Bin Podcast (Alan Middleton) - JLA #188, http://relativelygeekypodcast.blogspot.com/2015/05/qbp-052-justice-league-of-america-188.html
Between The Pages Blog (Karen
Williams) - The Sweet Superhero Stories of Gerry Conway will focus on his work
on Amazing Spider-Man and the Justice League of America. The stories I
plan to touch upon are the Death of Gwen Stacy, the original clone saga, 1st
appearance of the Punisher, Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man, The JLA / JSA
/ New Gods, the JLA / JSA /Secret Society of Supervillains, JLA 200, and Justice
League Detroit.
LanternCast (Chad
Bokelman and Mark Marble)
Episode #220 - The Collaborative Conway Crossover Caper!
Content for Review: Brave and the Bold #17 and Super Team Family #12
King-Size Comics Giant-Size Fun (Kyle Benning) -
w/ Rob Kelly, DC Special Series #1, a Dollar Comics Issue that features a
Conway penned Aquaman story.
Vault Of Startling Monster Horror Tales Of Terror (Shawn Engel) - Tomb of Dracula - The regular gang of idiots
(Chris Honeywell, Luke Jaconetti, Chris “Hair-Metal Hero” Tyler, newcomer Jason
Jaconetti, and myself) will synopsize and discuss the first issue of Tomb of
Dracula on episode 48 of the show. We’ll also discuss the relevance of horror
comics returning to mainstream comics and touch on the whole situation with Mr.
Conway. Forewarned, the show does tend to have limited filters at times, so an
adult content warning might be advised -- Check it out here. .Here is the
Pop Culture Affidavit (Tom Panarese) -- Cinder and Ashe #1-4; as part of “80 Years of DC Comics” series.
Comic Book Time Machine (Ben Avery) - Superman/Spider-man and (maybe) the unofficial crossover in Amazing Fantasy, Justice League, and Thor, Amazing Adventure 16, JLA 103, and Thor 207
Task Force X (Aaron “Head” Moss) - Episode 10 - Action Comics #521 - Available at http://headspeaks.com
Head Speaks (Aaron “Head” Moss) - Episode 11 - Covering Firestorm #1-2. - Available at http://headspeaks.com Normally Head Speaks often uses language not suited for the entire family. Younger viewers are normally discouraged. This episode he’ll try to contain his potty mouth.
Hey Kids, Comics! (Andy and Micheal Leyland) We are in the middle of a bunch of bandwagon jumping shows about comics characters about to get TV shows. In the Luke Cage episode (released on 28/5/15) we’ll be covering AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #128.
Back to the Bins (Paul and Crew) -
Superman Forever Radio (Bob Fisher) - something Superman
Remember when talking about this on the social medias, use the hashtag: #ConwayXover.
Join us over at Task Force X episode 10, for the second part of my special Conway Corner Podcast
Crossover. Available soon!
As always, all copyrights and trademarks are their respective owners. No infringement implied or intended.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
You can listen to Head Speaks on iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or at my website: http://headspeaks.com
(or on the link at the top of this page).
Please check out my Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/headspeaksheadcast
You can also check me out on Google + by looking for Head Speaks.
E-mail me any bitches, moans, and gripes to: head@headspeaks.com Any and all comments are welcome.
If you want to record a message you can send it to me at head@headspeaks.com
Be sure to join me next time for another fantastic episode of The Head Speaks HeadCast!
See ya next time.
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